Sunday, June 26, 2011


So I have been so busy in the past few days, & I apologize for not writing more often :/ I am currently back in Raleigh, stupid exam in the morning... bleck.

So now for the weekly awkward & awesome :) I know you have been waiting for it hehe


1. Walking down an aisle at work, seeing a bag of fruit misplaced, putting it in your store manager's cart of random objects, then getting called out for not taking it with you :) funny, but still awkward

2. We went to the lake the other day to fix my sister-in-law's boat (I have been dating my love for almost two years, so all of his relatives are now known as my in-laws to keep things simple), and we were out there for hours :( Apparently someone had been stealing her batteries & this past time had messed with her fuel lines; thus, the boat wouldn't run. Anyways, after being out there for two hours, this really super creepy guy comes over & tries to help out. Now as a side note, Sandy seems to think the people that are stealing her stuff are the owners of this restaurant up by the lake. This guy just so happens to work there... Anyways, creepy guy hung around us for about an hour before he left. & the stupid boat still didn't work when he left. Yeah, definitely the most awkward part of this past week.

3. Now that it is officially summer, the thermometer seems to be stuck at 100 degrees! I always hate when you wear shorts & you sit on pleather seats. That is because you always feel as if your legs are pealing off onto the seat when you get up :/

4. So we went back to the lake on Friday, and this time we got the boat working. It was just a piece that had been ripped off, fortunately not the fuel pump which could of costed us like $200 :/ Anyways, I wore my bathing suit so that I could swim when we got there. Unfortunately, my love bug did not bring a towel... Wasn't that big of a deal except we went to eat afterwards... haha my pants were soaked!!


1. Friday was absolutely awesome! We went here:
So for those of you all that don't know what this is, this is the Stockyard.. It is in Siler City, & it was slam packed with beautiful bovine! We brought 3 calves & 1 cow to sale. I haven't been to a sale yard like this since I was a little girl. This was by far one of the most awesome parts of my week :)

2. Now, the best part of the stockyard was this:
LONGHORNS!!! I absolutely adore these creatures! I have found boots, that I'm pretty sure I have mentioned in a previous post, but I just thought that it would be pretty cool to show you these in real life. Their horns were so long & gorgeous!!

3. I found a truck that I really wanted. They were asking way too much for it, but I definitely was ready to take it home. I can't wait til I win the lottery so I can buy one similar! Take a look for yourself:
Yeah, definitely pretty darn awesome!

4. Tomorrow is the last day of summer session 1!!! I am beyond thrilled! Until next week, I have a break from my classes :) & then, well then it is back to the grindstone :/ at least I will be a junior in the Fall :)

5. About 2 months ago now, I rescued 6 kittens from the vet clinic that my roommate works at. They were going to be put to sleep on Monday, so at 2am Sunday morning we made our way to rescue them. I found all but one of them a home, & was almost to the point of taking him to the kill-free shelter because I had no place for him to stay. I had brought him to my mother's one weekend so that the girls & I could all go to the lake & my step-dad watched him for me. When I got ready to leave, Charlie asked me what I was doing with  his kitten :) So I saved his life hehe So now momma sends me pictures every now & then...
He is so freaking adorable!!! I'm so glad I found him a good home :)

Well that is it for today. I will be taking an exam in the morning, but I will definitely be writing tomorrow :)

Ta Ta for now my little McGee's!!

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