Sunday, June 26, 2011


So I have been so busy in the past few days, & I apologize for not writing more often :/ I am currently back in Raleigh, stupid exam in the morning... bleck.

So now for the weekly awkward & awesome :) I know you have been waiting for it hehe


1. Walking down an aisle at work, seeing a bag of fruit misplaced, putting it in your store manager's cart of random objects, then getting called out for not taking it with you :) funny, but still awkward

2. We went to the lake the other day to fix my sister-in-law's boat (I have been dating my love for almost two years, so all of his relatives are now known as my in-laws to keep things simple), and we were out there for hours :( Apparently someone had been stealing her batteries & this past time had messed with her fuel lines; thus, the boat wouldn't run. Anyways, after being out there for two hours, this really super creepy guy comes over & tries to help out. Now as a side note, Sandy seems to think the people that are stealing her stuff are the owners of this restaurant up by the lake. This guy just so happens to work there... Anyways, creepy guy hung around us for about an hour before he left. & the stupid boat still didn't work when he left. Yeah, definitely the most awkward part of this past week.

3. Now that it is officially summer, the thermometer seems to be stuck at 100 degrees! I always hate when you wear shorts & you sit on pleather seats. That is because you always feel as if your legs are pealing off onto the seat when you get up :/

4. So we went back to the lake on Friday, and this time we got the boat working. It was just a piece that had been ripped off, fortunately not the fuel pump which could of costed us like $200 :/ Anyways, I wore my bathing suit so that I could swim when we got there. Unfortunately, my love bug did not bring a towel... Wasn't that big of a deal except we went to eat afterwards... haha my pants were soaked!!


1. Friday was absolutely awesome! We went here:
So for those of you all that don't know what this is, this is the Stockyard.. It is in Siler City, & it was slam packed with beautiful bovine! We brought 3 calves & 1 cow to sale. I haven't been to a sale yard like this since I was a little girl. This was by far one of the most awesome parts of my week :)

2. Now, the best part of the stockyard was this:
LONGHORNS!!! I absolutely adore these creatures! I have found boots, that I'm pretty sure I have mentioned in a previous post, but I just thought that it would be pretty cool to show you these in real life. Their horns were so long & gorgeous!!

3. I found a truck that I really wanted. They were asking way too much for it, but I definitely was ready to take it home. I can't wait til I win the lottery so I can buy one similar! Take a look for yourself:
Yeah, definitely pretty darn awesome!

4. Tomorrow is the last day of summer session 1!!! I am beyond thrilled! Until next week, I have a break from my classes :) & then, well then it is back to the grindstone :/ at least I will be a junior in the Fall :)

5. About 2 months ago now, I rescued 6 kittens from the vet clinic that my roommate works at. They were going to be put to sleep on Monday, so at 2am Sunday morning we made our way to rescue them. I found all but one of them a home, & was almost to the point of taking him to the kill-free shelter because I had no place for him to stay. I had brought him to my mother's one weekend so that the girls & I could all go to the lake & my step-dad watched him for me. When I got ready to leave, Charlie asked me what I was doing with  his kitten :) So I saved his life hehe So now momma sends me pictures every now & then...
He is so freaking adorable!!! I'm so glad I found him a good home :)

Well that is it for today. I will be taking an exam in the morning, but I will definitely be writing tomorrow :)

Ta Ta for now my little McGee's!!

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Wordy Wednesday

That's right! No pictures today :( It just takes to long to upload them all from my phone, considering that my camera is out of commission right now :/ Well, I might pull pictures from the internet :) Anyways, does anybody around here shop at Harris Teeter? Well, it is my new love (I think) because of a wonderful little thing called Meal Deals!! Last night was the last night of last week... hmm, so many last's. Anywho, we got BallPark Franks, a gallon of Diet Lipton Green Tea, a bag of chips, and hot dog buns for $5.99! Yeah, we ate all but 3 hot dogs :) It was a really good supper for only $5.99. Anyways, we are going back to HT tonight to see what this week's Meal Deal is because when you start saving, you just can't stop :) Or at least that is what I like to tell myself hehe

So my next question is about Extreme Couponing. How many of you guys out there think that it is cool? I think I have fallen in love. Well, at least with the idea of saving billions of dollars at the grocery store. Anyways, a buddy of mine has started filling me in on some really cool couponing ideas around the WS area, and I have yet to start. This is probably due to a lack of money ;P

I just finished up writing a 7-page case study paper for my Educational Psychology class :/ You would think that I would be tired of typing; however, I think I am just tired of school haha Now I have to answer 30 questions for a "study guide" of sorts. It's due tomorrow, but I wanted to get an early start on it. So far, I have answered 1. Successful, I know.

Well, I think I have said enough for today. Tomorrow I am going to try & add some sponsor buttons to my website, if I can figure out how :) & for now, I'm going to work on those questions :/ & maybe make a PB&J sandwich, if I can find the J part in our house :)

Have a great day chickadees!!

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Twisted Tuesdays!

Good Afternoon all my lovely's!!

Today is 'Twisted Tuesdays!,' a day where I can tell you anything I want, in any order :) Again, it comes from an idea at this blog... well, she does her stuff on 'Miscellaneous Mondays,' but I was digging 'Twisted Tuesdays!'

So here goes!!

1. I was eating a lunchable yesterday. Yes, I still eat lunchables at 19 :) Well anyways, in my lunchable I found this:
Grey Poupon?? Really? I can't even have real American Mustard in my lunchable? Oh my word. I just thought it was odd. But I will admit that it did make my sandwich taste better than normal.. still odd though haha

2. I was on Facebook the other day, surprise I know, but I found a picture that I must share with you all...
This girl is absolutely gorgeous in person, but this is my all time favorite picture. Now as the name of my blog might suggest, I am a farm girl myself. This picture makes my day, so I set it as my computer background. I'm lame, I know :P

3. I don't know if I have ever mentioned this, but I work at a Kroger in the floral department. Now, I took classes in high school on flowers & other things, but we never went over how to make arrangements. Hence the job. I figured that I would learn how to make arrangements at some point before I begin teaching because I love flowers & wanted to be able to teach children from actual experience, not just schoolwork/book learning. So I will show you a few of my arrangements from yesterday:
 This one has lemons in the vase/bowl that it is in. I am not sure why.. but the woman that works full-time had used this idea a few weeks ago, so I figured "What the Heck?"
& this one I was almost tempted to take home because the sunflowers made me happy :)

4. So this is definitely an older picture, but I was looking through my pictures & saw this:
Now I don't typically like Dodge trucks, but this one ^ was definitely an exception! It was jacked way way up & I fell in love. Now I normally go for trucks with bow ties, especially one like this:
Definitely a fan of the Punisher :)

5. So over the weekend I talked about my brownie making skills. The brownies that I was going to take to work with me yesterday. Yeah, well they didn't quite make it. I woke up late & didn't have time to get them ready... so they are still sitting on my stove at home, of course now they have a big hole in the center though :)

6. Today was my first back on the farm since Friday. I have been doing absolutely nothing today, even though I should be doing schoolwork :/ I have a Case Study paper due Friday & study guide questions... bleck!

7. So I just saw a Jell-O commercial & I must say that it was the creepiest thing I've ever seen. That is all.

8. I miss when I was a kid & caught lightening bugs. If I wasn't afraid of coyotes around Winston, I might would pursue this :)

Have a good day lovelys!!

Sunday, June 19, 2011

A Little A&A

So I have recently began reading more & more blogs that are not so much about crafting & remodeling, but about life & how happiness should always be key. I am another non-creative person, unless I sit for hours on end (in other words, I am not the person to ask if you have only 15 minutes to come up with a cool idea :) ). Anyways, I started reading this blog, and I think I might be using some of her awesome ideas. So hear goes...


1. When you say hello to someone & ask how they are doing. Then they in turn ask you how you are doing and your response is, "I'm fine, how are you?"
This happens to me all the time at work... I feel funny because I always wonder what is going through that other person's head. I'm smart, I promise!!

2. When you are in a casual conversation & realize that you might have something in your teeth. Or that crab dip breath is attacking you just because you had a small sample... I always hate when that happens!

3. When you are talking on the phone & someone else in the room says something & you add their conversation to yours on accident. Or when you are texting & someone says something & then all of a sudden you have a strong urge to type it... yep, happens all the time!

4. Being stopped at a stoplight & glance over to see who your current traffic neighbor is and you notice they are picking their nose or dancing & singing hysterically!! Or better yet, getting caught singing & dancing like a maniac... haha that is totally me!!

5. Driving down the road, only to look over to see someone's kid making faces at you as their mom passes you in her mini-van.

6. Dancing in the kitchen while jamming out to your iPod while doing dishes, when your lovely boyfriend walks in to see the monstrousatity that is happening... I bet he still thinks I'm cool :)

7. Going to a baseball game with your BF, which I must mention is ONLY 24!!, & being asked if he is my dad... Ewwww, gross!


1. I made the most amazing candy arrangement ever at work today. It was full of Red Bull & Vodka... Well, the Vodka part might be me just doing my hopeful thinking, but check it out for yourself:
Yessir, it is pretty darn awesome if you ask me :) but then again, I did make it haha

2. I decided to make everyone at work brownies for tomorrow... See, I am currently taking summer classes for school & I only work once a month. The brownies is my little bit of kindness peaking through. Besides, the BF & I have decided that we would like to lose a little weight before summer is over, so it is a win-win. Oh yeah, the diet starts tomorrow ;P

3. The most awesome thing about said brownies??

I get to share the batter with my baby girl :) yeah, i know... but I love her, so I guess it's not too gross :)

4. Tomorrow is my step-dad's birthday! & as awesome as that is in itself, that means that I only have one FULL month before my 20th birthday!!! Whoo hoo for only having one more year of being "a child" in the eyes of society!!

5. I was right for once today. This topic always reaches the Awesome List because this day in age it is so rare haha anyways, below is a picture of a blue orchid. Yes ladies & gentlemen, a blue orchid. However, this is where me being right comes in. I have had a lot of horticultural experiences in my short life as a child :) & I know that blue is a very hard color to find naturally, you know, in nature. This lead me to believe that these flowers were once white & just had been watered with a blue-dyed water. After doing a little research on how the plants were "founded" by the company, I was right. It clearly stated on the website that they used a "coloring media to give the orchids their beautiful blue color." Oh, wouldn't be so bad if they weren't $29.99... Oh well, I was still right & the orchids are still absolutely gorgeous :)
^ I didn't do any color alterations on this image because I wanted you to see just how pretty the flowers were; however, it was taken with my phone, so I'm sure it still looks crappy :/

6. My final bit of "awesomeness" for today would be my new boots. Well, they aren't quite mine yet, due to lack of money, but I am working towards that (no pun intended :) ) Whatcha think? I'm super de duper excited!!

I would love to hear about your Awkward & Awesome moments!

Have a wonderful day jelly beans!! <3

Saturday, June 18, 2011

hello old friend...

So it has definitely been a while since I last blogged... I have been so busy with life that I just lost track of everything for a little while! I have found that it becomes so easy :/ Now I am currently taking summer classes, which are almost over (well, at least for the first session). I start my second set of summer classes after July 4th. Only 2 more years (at least that is my mantra for now :) ). I have began to do a lot of blog reading over the past six months & think that I should start doing some reviews on the blogs & their products. I receive email updates from Jones Design Company, which I must say is my favorite. She does so many wonderful things, and I am so envious of her talent! I make sure to check my email daily to see what all she has posted for the day. I have entered a ton of her giveaways in hopes of winning her amazing products & products that she recommends.

I never knew that the blogging world was so full of amazing things. I find it more addicting than Facebook at times. I know that my blog is of no comparison to blogs such as Emily's, but I hope to one day build up a reputation as the blogs that I follow have!

Friday, February 11, 2011

my sweet baby girl

After reading several blogs over the past couple of months, I thought that it was important to include my wonderful 'kid', Rupert. Well her actually name is Ruby With The Eyes That Sparkle...

^ This is a picture from the first week that I had her. She was an adoption puppy kinda sorta for my birthday. I got her 2 days after my birthday, July 22nd. & ever since she has come into my life, I have absolutely adored her!

When I got her, the man told me she was full-blooded Corgi... now at the time, I was naive & had never really had too much experience with Corgis. However, the Boyfriend tends to think that she is not... I kind of want another opinion. Sometime soon, we will be getting her DNA tested, just to see. I am going to love her regardless, but it is more so to just get an idea. I like to be aware of the genetics just to know what to prepare for (i.e. life span, problems, etc.). Ehh, I think she is cute though. What do you think?
She is such a cutie when she sleeps :) However, she is not so cute when she has the occasional gas... bleck!

southern farm show 2011

Each year in North Carolina, there is a Southern Farm Show held that goes from the first Wednesday to the first Friday in February. This farm show is open to the public & holds a vast amount of information that is helpful to everybody. There are tractors (from Farmall tractors to John Deere tractors), corporate businesses (people advertising BioFuel, golf carts, & other such items), & also demonstrations of things that come from farms (such as wheat that produces cookies, & hogs that produce hot dogs, etc.) It was a very fun trip for me. Ever since I found out about the Southern Farm Show, I have been. & each year, it never fails to amaze me. Take last year for instance. I found out they gave out free cookies... yeah, that was a wonderful day! :) Anyways, I want to add pictures of this outing; however, I am feeling sort of lazy right now & will be doing that later. I do strongly encourage anybody that lives in NC to come out & check out everything that the Southern Farm Show has to offer. Heck, even those of you guys that may live close to the state, Raleigh isn't so far :)